ENVIRONMENT – Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine



The DCM Environmental policy is integrated with safety, health and quality.


Environmentally sustainable mining addresses people and ecosystem impacted by mineral extraction. It requires that mine operations include a productive post mining, land use plan for all lands disturbed by mining. Lands disturbed by mining operations must be restored to resilient ecosystem status following mine closure.

DCM is regulated by environmental authorisations such as water use licences, environmental impact assessment authorisation to assist in minimising environmental impacts resulting from the mining activities. The mine ensures compliance with the environmental authorisation by conducting environmental audits as prescribed in the approved environmental authorisation to mitigate environmental impacts.


There are a number of ongoing projects that we are spearheading. For example, DCM has implemented a program to remove alien and invasive species from the mine’s property. This program aims to protect the indigenous flora and fauna of the area by removing invasive species that can cause harm to the ecosystem.


The mine has also implemented a comprehensive water management system that includes the use of process water/dewatering water and recycling of water used in the mining process. The mine also monitors water quality and quantity to ensure that it meets the required standards.


The mine has established a biodiversity offset program to mitigate the impact of its mining activities on the environment. The program includes the rehabilitation of degraded land, the restoration of wetlands and the establishment of a conservation area for endangered species.

Secretary and registered office

Ore and Metal Company Limited
Assore House
15 Fricker Road
Illovo Boulevard

Postal address
Private Bag X03
© Dwarsrivier 2023, Designed and Developed by The Digital Thread

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Proprietary Limited(“DCM”) was previously held in a 50% by Assore Limited now Assore South Africa Proprietary Limited (“Assore”) and 50% by African Rainbow Minerals Limited (“ARM”). In 2016 Assore concluded its acquisition of the remaining 50% of Dwarsrivier from ARM and is now its 100% shareholder. The company is a mining operations company involved in extraction and beneficiation of chromium in the Limpopo province.