Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine

Future Focused Mining

Supporting industry from the ground up

Over 80% of the world’s ferrochrome is used in the production of stainless steel due to its anti-corrosive properties. Without ferrochrome, there is no steel. Without steel, which is the world’s most important engineering and construction material, there is no industry.

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, an Assore SA (Proprietary) Limited company, plays a vital role in the production of quality ferrochrome for the world.

Assore SA (Proprietary) Limited is a mining holding company principally engaged in ventures involving base minerals and metals.

Situated in Limpopo Province, South Africa, Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) operates in the Bushveld Complex, a geological complex that was formed more than two billion years ago and which contains the world’s largest known resources of platinum group metals, chromium and vanadium.

Today, South Africa holds approximately 70% of the world’s total chrome reserves and produces 75% of the world’s ferrochrome.

Extraction and beneficiation

Supplying quality ferrochrome is essential to meet the high industry standards. Our quality system has been designed to ensure that the product and services we supply always conform to customer expectations.

We are constantly investigating and evaluating technological advances in the mining industry to improve efficiency and productivity, and to reduce costs.

Secretary and registered office

Ore and Metal Company Limited
Assore House
15 Fricker Road
Illovo Boulevard

Postal address
Private Bag X03
© Dwarsrivier 2023, Designed and Developed by The Digital Thread

Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Proprietary Limited(“DCM”) was previously held in a 50% by Assore Limited now Assore South Africa Proprietary Limited (“Assore”) and 50% by African Rainbow Minerals Limited (“ARM”). In 2016 Assore concluded its acquisition of the remaining 50% of Dwarsrivier from ARM and is now its 100% shareholder. The company is a mining operations company involved in extraction and beneficiation of chromium in the Limpopo province.